Lilo, Sikua visit Gold Ridge

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo and Opposition Leader Dr Derek Sikua on Sunday spent few hours visiting the Gold Ridge Mine in Central Guadalcanal. Their visit came after the Mine suspended operations following the flash flood. Most of the foreigners working for Gold Ridge Mining Limited (GRML) have since left the country, forcing the Solomon…

Eagon Pacific Plantation Limited

Eagon Pacific Plantation Limited (EPPL) in its continuous support to human resource development in the country has once again paid tuition for its sponsored students studying at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) this year. A cheque payment was delivered by Mr. Bo Young Moon – the Managing Director of Eagon to SINU’s vice chancellor…

Aviation inspects Suavanao airstrip

The aviation authority last week inspected Suavanao airstrip, Isabel as part of expanding the airstrip. Alwyn Navo aviation’s chief air traffic training officer who was part of a Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) delegation to Isabel inspected the airstrip. Mr Navo told the Solomon Star in Papatura Retreat last Wednesday, the inspection of the airstrip…

Students pay tribute

Solomon Islands students study at various universities at Fiji paid tribute to children, families, men and women who lost their lives in the April 3 flash flood during a memorial service at Laucala campus on Sunday. The memorial service began with a minute silence, national anthem and laying of wreaths by representatives of Laucala, FNU,…

Red Cross update as of Sunday

Red cross update as of Sunday 13th April 2014. Key statistics • 21 people dead, 2 are missing (revised down by Royal Solomon Islands Police Force) • There are approximately 9400 people in 21 welfare centres (NDMO figures) • Approximately 52,000 people have been affected – 12,000 in Honiara and 40,000 in Guadalcanal Latest Red Cross actions Water…

Australia assists with aerial assessment of Makira

The Australian High Commission has chartered an aircraft to support the Solomon Islands Government with an aerial assessment of Makira following the 7.7 magnitude earthquake and localised tsunami on Sunday. The charter was quickly organised following a request from the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) soon after the event. Representatives from the Australian High Commission…

Taiwan medical students here to help

Three medical students from Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial hospital, Taiwan, are in the country to assist the victims affected by the recent flash flood. The team was led by a team leader Ms. Sophine Wang and included Dr Engene Chang and Dr Andy Hsieh. The trio have spent a week already and have visited…