Landing craft undergo repair works

Washed ashore landing craft (LC) Ocean Grace is now at the Sasape International slipway in Tulagi, central province for overhaul and refitting. A crew and welder on board LC Ocean Grace told the Solomon  Star yesterday tha the landing craft is now currently at the Sasape slipway since Monday. “We are now in Tulagi to…

Border challenge for Pacific

THE region will be a haven for criminals, drug and human traffickers and money laundering if Customs organisations did not work together. And if those organisations lagged behind in their responsibilities and roles, the Pacific region would be a dumping ground for contraband goods.   This was the message by Fiji’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs…

CBR & stakeholders way forward 2014 & beyond

The training on Human Rights coordinated by the National Community Based Rehabilitation program targeting health workers and stakeholders in the country is seen as vital and timely in order that those responsible shall embark on programs and activities that will improve and enhance decisions on policies, work plans and activities and hence quality service delivery…

Flood affected Kwaibaita farmers

The recent bad weather and flash flood that affected parts of the country has also hit hard on rural farmers in Malaita province. Auki police said there were no reports reaching them about any damages. However only Atori police confirmed that the bad weather had affected farmers in East Malaita. Speaking to this paper from…

Solomon Water wants cooperation

THE current disaster has affected a lot of services – one basic one is water to the Honiara population. Solomon Water said water supply to the city has been affected therefore the public should boil water before drinking. “Solomon Water advises that until water services return to normal, everyone in Honiara should boil water they…

NZ to boost aid to flood-ravaged Solomons

Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand’s aid contribution to the Solomon Islands is likely to increase considerably, once the damage caused by devastating floods has been assessed. New Zealand has already contributed NZD$300,000 in immediate aid, and an air force Hercules was to leave for the capital Honiara this morning, with critical aid supplies.…

Pacific Humanitarian team deployed here

The Pacific Humanitarian Team (PHT) has begun deployments to Honiara on Monday in support of the Government’s response to flash floods which have devastated the capital and provinces in the Solomon Islands. Heavy rain from a tropical depression caused severe flooding in Honiara after the Mataniko River burst its banks, washing away homes and bridges.…

Govt & KOICA on forestry action plan

The ministry of forestry with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) last week held three days workshop to discuss the implementation of a forestry action plan. The project entitled, ‘The Project for Establishment of Action Plan for Forest Resources Management in the Solomon Islands’ looks at forest resources management in SI and will be carried…