NZ to boost aid to flood-ravaged Solomons

Prime Minister John Key says New Zealand’s aid contribution to the Solomon Islands is likely to increase considerably, once the damage caused by devastating floods has been assessed. New Zealand has already contributed NZD$300,000 in immediate aid, and an air force Hercules was to leave for the capital Honiara this morning, with critical aid supplies.…

Pacific Humanitarian team deployed here

The Pacific Humanitarian Team (PHT) has begun deployments to Honiara on Monday in support of the Government’s response to flash floods which have devastated the capital and provinces in the Solomon Islands. Heavy rain from a tropical depression caused severe flooding in Honiara after the Mataniko River burst its banks, washing away homes and bridges.…

Govt & KOICA on forestry action plan

The ministry of forestry with the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) last week held three days workshop to discuss the implementation of a forestry action plan. The project entitled, ‘The Project for Establishment of Action Plan for Forest Resources Management in the Solomon Islands’ looks at forest resources management in SI and will be carried…

So, what is the South Pacific Tourism exchange?

With tourism a vitally important industry, income earner and employer right across the South Pacific, the inaugural South Pacific Tourism Exchange will be the region’s largest travel and tourism business-to-business event. Set to take place in Auckland, New Zealand from the 22-23 May, 2014 and organized by the South Pacific Tourism Organization, South Pacific Tourism…

Flights resume

The Solomon Airlines on Sunday resumes both its international and domestic flights after being cancelled last Friday due to heavy flooding as a result of cyclone Ita. The came after the runway surface was flooded with water and debris from the Lungga river. This had affected both the domestic and international flights. But an officer…

Big hope for tourism in PNG

Tourism industry in Papua New Guinea is an alternative to contribute to their national economy in future to replace the unrenewable resources. Senior lecturer of the school of tourism, hospitality and management Hellen Gimbo uttered the statement in an interview. Mrs Gimbo said PNG have massive unrenewable resources such as gold, cooper and the liquefied…

NZ sending help

New Zealand is sending an RNZAF Hercules with emergency relief into the Solomon Islands this morning, Foreign Minister Murray McCully announced on Sunday. Tens of thousands of people in and around the Solomon Islands’ capital Honiara have been left homeless by flash flooding and heavy rains. Entire communities had been swept away, major access bridges…

Fiji ready to help Solomons

Fiji will stand in unison with and support Solomon Islands following flash floods in the Melanesian nation that have caused severe destruction and death. Last week Solomon Islands faced severe destruction following flash floods which also claimed the lives of 16 people so far. The flash flooding has displaced thousands of her citizens in most…