PM on retreat, new SG appointed

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has joined Pacific Islands Forum leaders at the retreat on Peleliu yesterday during which they have also chosen a new Secretary-General. Solomon Islands’ Dr. Jimmy Rodgers who was tipped as one of the leading contenders lost out to his Papua New Guinea competitor. The appointment of the new Secretary-General was…

SIDT prepares pre-election outreach

Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) is preparing to engage in a nation-wide pre-election awareness and voter education throughout the country next week. The awareness program is a project initiated by SIDT and funded by European Union with the help of Development Service Exchange (DSE) and Royal Solomon Islands police force (RSIPF). The project aims to…

Star given today to file defence

The Solomon Star has been given until today to file its defence in relation to the defamation suit taken up by the Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. In his ruling yesterday as to whether this paper will be given an extension of time to file its defence, Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer said the disadvantage…

‘Information sharing can motivate population’

Information sharing can empower and transform people’s mindset on important issues. This was highlighted by Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) SIDT director Longden Manedika during a conference yesterday. Mr Manedika said power of information can transform all people’s mindset across all leadership levels which need to be paid serious attention for people, policy makers and…

SINU stand-off settled

The stand-off between Solomon Islands National University (SINU) and lecturers association of SINU (LASINU) has finally reached a resolution. Semester two classes supposed to resume last week but was delayed due to the stand-off, except for school of nursing and school of natural resources and applied science have started. SINU’s Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic, Dr Patricia…

Another ATM robbery suspect nabbed

THE Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) detective yesterday arrested another man involved in the ANZ ATM robbery. The suspect named by police as Dilo Faiga, 24, was arrested at Kukum, east Honiara. Assistant police commissioner for national capital Gabriel Manelusi said police detectives made a professional capture of the suspect after some thorough investigations.…

Conflicting parties reconcile

The two conflict parties involved in the Independence valley row in White River, West Honiara over the weekend finally reached peace during a reconciliation ceremony yesterday at central police station. This ceremony was staged to resolve the dispute where few homes were burnt down. The ceremony was witnessed by members of both parties including high…

Lata PCC dies

Temotu province is mourning the loss of their provincial police commander (PPC) who passed away on Wednesday night at his resident in Lata, Temotu province. A spokesperson from the Lata police station told the Solomon Star yesterday morning that late Fred Saeni collapsed at his residents after a short illness. He was rushed to Lata…

Govt supports RTCs

A total of twenty-one (21) rural training centres (RTC) in the country will benefit from training equipments worth five hundred thousand dollars for skills development. The assistance came from the Down Stream Support programme of the ministry of forestry and research. Solomon Islands Association Vocational Rural Training Centre director Billy Mae received the equipment Tuesday…