Operators want update on tourism funding

Tourism operators in Marau, east Guadalcanal have urged the ministry of tourism and culture to explain how the tourism funding for the constituency was allocated. More than 50 operators raised this during a meeting held between them by Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) over the weekend. The operators who were happy with the SIVB visit…

SIVB targets a billion visitors

The Solomon Island visitors bureau (SIVB) is targeting to increase its visitors’ arrival into Solomon Island up to a billion within a year. This was revealed by the bureau’s chief executive officer (CEO) Josefa Tuamoto in Marau, East Guadalcanal over the weekend. Mr Tuamoto who spoke to more than fifty (50) tourism operators in Marau…

Slight growth for our economy

A slight pickup in economic growth is being forecasted for Solomon Islands this year (2014) from 2.9 percent in 2013 to 3.0 percent. Thats according to the Asian Development Bank (ABD) flagship economic report, the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) which was released early this week. The report said growth is expected to pick up slightly,…

Communities get tourism awareness

The ministry of culture and tourism in partnership with the Live and Learn International non-government organisation have successfully carried out a tourism awareness last week in Isabel. Some of the communities which covered were Bolitei and Ghoveo and its surrounding communities in Baolo, Zuzuao, Toelegu, Sisiga and Sosoilo. The program was organised under the Live…

New beer brand out

SP Brewery launched a new beer brand in Lae last Friday. Stan Joyce, SP Brewery’s managing director, said the new brand Heineken, which was first produced in 1873 in Amsterdam, Germany, had been to 178 other countries and had a long and proud history. The beer had only four natural ingredients — water, malted barley,…

Energy officials meet in Nadi

SENIOR officials responsible for energy and transport in Pacific Island countries and territories gathered in Nadi, Fiji, Monday to participate in two days of meetings ahead of the Pacific Regional Energy and Transport (Aviation and Maritime) Ministers’ Meeting, which started on Wednesday. The officials’ meeting, organised by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) in…

Fiji calls for stronger intra-regional trade

Trade Pasifika 2014 was officially opened in Fiji Tuesday night with a firm recommendation from host country Fiji for stronger intra-regional trade among Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). This, it believes, will provide the best platform for exchange with international trade partners, given the many challenges that characterise business and entrepreneurship in individual countries…