Solomon Islands Chinese Business Council assists Solomon Islands students in Beijing

THE Solomon Islands Chinese Business Council has come to the rescue of two students studying in China. Parents of Ms. Kate Gwaena and Mr. Tony Sutahi have met their tuition fees, accommodation and living allowance after their scholarships were suspended since the first semester of 2023-2024 academic year for not completing the Chinese language course.…


SIG sponsored student in the Philippines urges speedy payment of allowances, claims delayed allowance payment is detrimentally impacting on students’ academic progress and welfare SOLOMON Islands Government-sponsored students in the Philippines are appealing to the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD) to urgently pay them their outstanding allowances. One of the students who…

Australia equips SILRC with new computers

THE Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission (SILRC) on Wednesday took delivery of eight brand-new computers to aid its crucial work in reviewing the country’s laws and making reform recommendations to the national government for consideration. The computers were handed over to the Law Reform Commission Chairman Philip Kanairara by the Australian High Commission’s Counsellor for…


What each bidder submitted for SINPF’s new office complex SEVEN companies including two local firms competed for Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) multi-million-dollar office complex project. The building is to be built in the city’s Central Business District (CBD) at Point Cruz, tender documents show. AJ Construction Ltd will build the Office Complex after…

In Court with Assumpta Buchanan

Nine One murder committed to High Court for trial THE matter of the three men accused of murdering a man at the Nine One area at Henderson in Central Guadalcanal last December has been committed to the High Court for trial. This was after the court found sufficient evidence against the defendants Allen Afu, Francis…


Solomon Airlines describes Brisbane-Munda route as economically ‘unsustainable’ due to low passenger rate, Tourism Solomons blames situation on cancellation of diving activities, MCC threatens investment withdrawal THE Solomon Airlines direct flight from Brisbane to Munda every Saturday is ‘unsustainable’ due to the low number of passengers boarding the flight since the 10-month trial service started.…

Lauruans in Gizo mark provincial day

THE Lauru community in Gizo, Western Province, yesterday celebrated the 33rd Choiseul Second Appointed Day in the Western Provincial Capital.  More than 100 Lauruans (Choiseulese), including families, public servants, students and individuals, packed the netball court to witness the program. The opening of the program began with a colorful parade through Gizo Street from PT109…