SINSO, UNICEF convene national stakeholder workshop on MICS

THE Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO) and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) convened a one-day national stakeholder workshop on Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) last Wednesday in Honiara. MICS is a standardised household survey tool which has become the largest source of statistically sound and internationally comparable estimates of indicators for…

$2.1m worth of support delivered to N/Malaita 

THE first consignment of project supplies worth $2.1 million made possible through Constituency Development Funds (CDF) allocation for 2024 was successfully delivered by the North Malaita Constituency (NMC) recently. Its part of the NMC’s ongoing commitment towards improving social and economic livelihood in the region as aligned with its strategic development plan.  This support aims…

ADRA supports immunisation awareness 

The Western Provincial Government (WPG), through its Health Department, has welcomed the implementation of the Demand for Generation of Immunisation Project (DGIP) by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Western Province. Mr. Tonawane Charles, Community Health Nursing Consultant (CHNC) of the Western Provincial Health Department, highlighted this during the DGIP’s second half-day Orientation…

Police arrest gamblers in Malaita

Police at Auki police station in Malaita Province have arrested and charged seven males and three females in Auki town during a police raid targeting gambling in public places including individuals who allowed their premises to be used for illegal gambling activities. Malaita Provincial Police Commander (PPC), Chief Superintendent Tex Tafoa, said the provincial government…

Kopana to plea in court

A MAN facing multiple charges relating to false pretences offences will be taking his plea in the Honiara Magistrate’s Court this week. Darwin Kopana faces two counts of obtaining credit by false pretence, two counts of false pretence, one count of driving to be licensed and one count of malicious injuries. His matter was listed…