Damaged Dala Bridge to be fixed 

The damaged Dala Bridge in West Kwara’ae will be fixed soon, says the Ministry of Infrastructure Development. This was possible after the Malaita Provincial Secretary (PS), Fredrick Fa’abasua discussed with the Ministry last week. It was reported that the Dala Bridge continues to cause hiccups to the travelling passengers of the North and East Road…

Landowners accuses Solomon Water

KONGULAI landowners at upper Tamuni and Kongulai said the accusation made by Solomon water Chief Executive Officer Ian Gooding about the illegal milling operation is baseless and not true. They were responding to Solomon Water’s media statement that appeared in this paper on Monday. Solomon Water CEO stated that recent investigations by Solomon Water into…


Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff loses rights to vote, faces $50, 000 fine or five years in jail THE Prime Minister’s nephew and Chief of Staff, Robson Djokovic, has lost the right as a citizen to vote in an election in the Solomon Islands, the High Court ruled, Friday. Djokovic faces a maximum penalty of…

98 remain in quarantine stations

NINETY-eight (98) person remains at the Honiara quarantine stations. This came after 77 have graduated from the quarantine over the weekend, Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services Pauline McNeil revealed this early this week. “Since 77 people have graduated it leaves only 98 persons remaining at the quarantine stations.” She…

RSIPF decommissions patrol boat AUKI

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) yesterday (4 March 2021) decommissioned the Patrol Boat AUKI after 30 years of service in Solomon Islands. The RSIPV AUKI also took part in several operations in the Pacific region. RSIPV AUKI will be handed back to the Australian Government.  Since commissioning in 1991, following the United Nations…

PHEB Consultation completed and finalization in progress

Consultations on the Public Health Emergency Bill (PHEB) has come to an end this week following the final consultation with officials from the parliamentary opposition and the independent group including Honourable Charles Sigoto, Member of Parliament for Ranongga and Simbo Constituency, and Chairman of the Medical Parliamentary Standing Committee, in Honiara.  With the recommendations received…

NDMO conducts baseline assessment on Tina River communities

The National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) with the Guadalcanal Provincial Disaster Office has successfully conducted a baseline assessment of downstream communities of the Tina River Hydropower Development Project, TRHDP site, Central Guadalcanal last week.  The baseline assessment involved the collection of socioeconomic and risk information, and conducting awareness and consult communities to establish an Emergency…