Court acquits Dettke of traffic offences THE Member of Parliament for Northwest Guadalcanal, Bodo Dettke, is a free man. The Magistrate’s Court acquitted Mr. Dettke of traffic offences which landed him in court in the first place. Magistrate Emily Zazariko Vagibule last Tuesday acquitted Hon Dettke of one count of careless and inconsiderate driving after…


Sponsorship pulled from SINU 2020 final year students   SOME 200 or more students at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) have had their sponsorships pulled from under their feet on allegations their two-year sponsorships granted by the National Scholarship Division (NSD) in 2019 were “fake”.  They are now faced with arrears of up to…

Kava farmers hail visit by DBSI

RURAL Kava farmers in West and Central Kwara’ae constituency, Malaita Province have acknowledged the visit by the Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Development Bank of Solomon Islands (DBSI) Tukana Bovoro to Malaita last week. Speaking on behalf of the Kava farmers at Gwariagalu, Central Kwara’ae Dudley Ramo acknowledged the visiting saying; “This is the…

Concern over Gizo white-Eye bird 

ENVIRONMENTAL advocator and outspoken Malaita man from Ontong Java Lawrence Makili has raised concerns about the need to preserve Gizo white- Eye bird scientifically known as the Zosterops Iuteirostris only found on Gizo islands in Western province.  Gizo white-eye (zosterops Iuteirostris) is a species of birds in the Zosteropidae family  Mr. Makili said Gizo Island…

Rhinoceros beetle feeds on Noni

THERE’S grave concern that the deadly Rhinoceros beetle has been seen lately infesting on noni plants. That’s according to the North-West Guadalcanal Development Association (NWGDA) Chairman. Simon Chottu stated that lately, they have seen rhinoceros beetle feeding on noni plants. In a statement, he said the farmers are calling on the Ministry of Agriculture and…