Community relocate leatherback turtles’ eggs to hatchery site 

COMMUNITIES on the southern weather coast of Rendova in Western Province have relocated leatherback turtle eggs from their beaches that are vulnerable to the extreme weather events currently affecting the country. These beaches represent the largest leatherback turtle nesting beaches in Western Province. Speaking to this paper Alec Hughes, Program Manager for Wildlife Conservation Society…

Auki shops complying with laws

THE Malaita Provincial Food and Hygiene Division is pleased that few shop operators in Auki have started to cooperate with the regulations imposed on them. Provincial Food & Hygiene officer Mercy Nunua has acknowledged the operators who are now collaborating with the laws. Ms. Nunua said, “such feedback has reflected a good start of working…

DBSI Chief visit Kava farmers

INTERIM Chief Executive officer (CEO) of Development Bank of Solomon Islands (DBSI) Tukana Bovoro has visited few Kava farmers in Malaita this last week. Mr. Bovoro arrived in Malaita on Wednesday and was welcomed by the president of Malaita Province Youth Council (MPYC) Philip Subu and a member of the Malaita Kava Revolution Movement Lesley…


Government rates Feb 7 Charter as high risk THE Next high-risk flight is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. This was revealed by the Secretary to the Prime Minister Dr. Jimmy Rodgers during a radio talk-back show on Sunday. He said this repatriation flight is covered under the approval of the cabinet last year and is labeled…

Gov’t yet to respond to eviction notice

POLICE and other government stakeholders are yet to respond to the eviction notice served on them for the police to move out from the Hell’s Point land at Henderson. Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau at his weekly press conference, Thursday told reporters that they are still working closely with other stakeholders within the government machinery and…

NDMO responds to oil spill reports 

THE Solomon Islands Government through the National Disaster Management Office, NDMO, has deployed a Multi-Sectoral Technical Assessment Team on an oil spill operation in Graciosa Bay in Temotu Province, today Friday 05th February 2021. The deployment of the team followed oil spill reports on MV QUEBEC, a foreign bulk carrier anchored at Graciosa Bay, discharging…

Sir Paul Tovua passes on

ONE of the great chief and sons of Central Guadalcanal, Guadalcanal province, and a well-respected Solomon Islands’ statesman has passed on after battling a long illness.  He passed on at 3:40 pm on Friday, after being on life support. Late Sir Paul was one of the few remaining founding fathers of the Solomon Islands that…