Newly elected West Kwara’ae Constituency MP faces five counts of bribery allegations in an election petition filed by three persons, including two unsuccessful candidates THE newly elected Member of Parliament for Malaita Province’s West Kwara’ae Constituency, Alfred JM Tuasulia, is facing an election petition with five counts of bribery allegations levelled against him. According to…

Empowering rural women in East Choiseul constituency towards self-reliance

More than 300 women from East Choiseul Constituency (ECC) have successfully completed their two-week of intensive life-skills training on 27 June 2023 at the ECC Development Centre in Kerepangara Ward 15, Choiseul Province. The training on sewing, sewing machine troubleshooting, bakery, floral and other important life-skills training for mother and girls was facilitated by Madam…