Three Permanent Secretaries have been sworn-in today at Government House by the Acting Governor General, Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer following their re-appointments by the Government. Mckinnie Dentana was sworn-in as Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury while Nego Sisiolo was sworn-in as Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Public Service and…


Auditor’s Shocking Findings The findings of the Auditor General revealed that a total of $167,328,248 was identified to consolidate the National Disaster Operation Committee for the whole of Solomon Islands Government’s approach to Preparedness & Response Plan to Covid-19 pandemic. Given the revelation of how these funds have been abused and siphoned off by those…


Ex-policemen accuse Senior Ministers accused of ignoring plight, warn of dire consequences if the government fails to address payout claim in a month SENIOR MINISTERS Manasseh Maelanga, Peter Shanel and Bradley Tovosia have been accused of ignoring the plight of ex-police officers pushing a multi-million-dollar payout claim from the DCGA government. An estimated 430 ex-police…

Cattle workers owed

Owed Gonokukufo Cattle Project workers in Malaita call on the National Government to settle longstanding labour arrears THE National government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) owes workers at the Gono Kukufo Cattle Project in West Kwaio, Malaita Province, the sum of $1,234,908.00 since 2016, it was revealed.  And the cattle workers are…

Government welcomes important visit of China’s trade promotion delegation

The Solomon Islands government has welcomed the visit of the Vice-chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and members of his delegation to the country. The acknowledgement of the visit was made during a reception hosted by the People’s Republic of China’s Embassy in Honiara on Monday (21 February 2023).…

SI & PNG determined to see vibrant bond nurtured and expanded for the betterment of the two nations & people

Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare, MP, briefly met his Papua New Guinea counterpart, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape at the Honiara International Airport this afternoon. Prime Minister James Marape was on his way to Fiji, transiting through Honiara.   Prime Ministers Sogavare and Marape used the brief meeting to update each other on policy directions…