Daniel Suidani.


Taipei to help cash out school fees for fifth and sixth formers in Malaita. SCHOOL fees for 5th and 6th formers on Malaita this year would be met by Taiwan, School Principals on Malaita announced this week. According to some students, the news was announced by School Principals during morning assemblies earlier this week. Students…

About the Solomon Islands

Welcome to the Solomon Islands official news portal. The Solomon Islands is the third largest archipelago in the South Pacific. The country’s capital, Honiara, is situated on the north-west coast on the island of Guadalcanal. Island Living Our climate is tropical, with average daytime temperatures around 29 degrees and high humidity. There are 87 indigenous…

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Praesent quis orci tellus. Proin sed augue ac sapien fermentum luctus ut vitae urna. Sed consectetur semper ligula in auctor. In quis dui condimentum elit vehicula tristique. Quisque fermentum volutpat mi at dignissim. In convallis, metus eu euismod blandit, purus dolor congue justo, eu porta ipsum enim a est. Vivamus nec arcu nulla, vitae lobortis…

What’s New in 1.5?

As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for Web sites of all kinds. To support the changing nature of the Internet and emerging Web technologies, Joomla! required substantial restructuring of its core functionality and we also used this effort to simplify many challenges within the current user interface.…