The minister for commerce, industries, labour and immigration and the member for South Choiseul Hon Elijah Doro-Muala has been praised. This was for sponsoring the Dreamline Car Rentals weekly pool challenge at Club HP on Monday. Miss Ate Teraka of Dreamline Events management thanked the Honourable minister and looks forward to his similar assistance future.…


The Western Solomon’s surfing association (WSSA) on Wednesday was all smiles after receiving a number of surfing boards thanks to Gizo Rotary club. With the growing interest of surfing in Gizo, Western province it has also given rise to the demand for surfing boards. Lack of surfing boards had restricted the association to promote the…

ANZ tennis to starts soon

The ANZ school tennis program is set to start on March 3, coinciding with celebration of the world tennis day. The program includes schools in and around Honiara. According to the mini tennis program coordinator, Doreen Ningalo a good number of schools have been confirmed for the program this year. The mini tennis program targets…

Warriors might import

The Telekom S-league champions, Solomon Warriors FC might have new imports from abroad to boost their performance in the upcoming Oceania Club Championship. This was revealed by the club president and owner, Honourable Boddo Dettke to local media recently. Importing players overseas would mean omitting some of the current players and Honourable Dettke highlighted; “We…

U19 fundraising event date set

 The date for the first fundraising event hosted to help send the Solomon Islands national men’s U19 squad for the World Cup qualifiers has been set for March 8. This was confirmed by the newly appointed fundraising committee over the weekend. According a pamphlet issued by the committee, the event will start at 7pm to…