Reserved business

Dear Editor – I want to request the new Sogavare-led DCC government to seriously consider amending the Foreign Investment Act to make provisions for indigenous Solomon Islands fully participate in the economic development of our beloved Solomon Islands. When you look around our country today, all the business opportunities are taken up by Chinese, Filipinos,…

Women in politics

Dear Editor – In the last couple of weeks there has wide coverage in your paper and other forms of media highlighting the need for wider participation of women in the national politics. Sir, nobody is against that and the reasons usually given for their case is always genuine and real. Women as always, served…

Solomon Airlines making losses

Dear Editor – The controversial issue that hits the mainstream media in the last few months has taken a new twist. The popular social media platform FSII has exposed the lucrative salary paid to the current CEO despite poor performance of Solomon Airlines. The Solomon Airlines Board Chairman has defended the CEO saying “We are…

Student Sponsorship

Dear Editor – Since lending my support to students who had been given letters to study at Solomon Islands National University (SINU) but had limited financial means to support their semester fees and had requested some form of educational sponsorship to enable them to pursue their studies either at the University or at home, my…

Short bus routes

Dear Editor – I will be very grateful if could allow me a space in your famous paper to comment on the above subject. I am an ordinary citizen residing behind the outskirts of Honiara, and every morning I try my best to get early to my workplace, which is nearly 8km from where I…