Close down White River school

Dear Editor – Earlier this year I raised number of concerns in this column regarding the water problem at White River school and the unprofessional attitude of some of the staff. Despite my numerous call, nothing much took shape in the school to address the issues raised. Last week, the school power supply was disconnected…

Unplanned buildings

Dear Editor – As the city is growing larger and the population is increasing, Mbokona road that leads up to the Central Bank quarter is now occupied with unplanned buildings and market booths. A few concerned people said that those living along the road are erecting unplanned houses and they should move or build their…

Sulufou water tanks

Dear Editor – I read with great happiness seeing Solomon Star’s issue on Tuesday 14 October, that Sulufou Community finally received 11 (500 litres) of water tanks. They are part of a project from Malaita Rural Development Project (RDP). Thank you RDP for recognising the need to assist the livelihood of Sulufou islanders. For those…

Speaker resigned

Dear Editor – When he was Chairman of the Electoral Commission recently, this character was alleged to have appointed his relatives to certain positions of influence during the voter registration process for his consistency. When picked upon that his alleged action would constitute a conflict of interest situation if he was to stand for the…

Ship for NW Choiseul

Dear Editor – There are hundreds if not thousands of silent disgruntled citizens of North West with many unanswered questions in their minds. They only talk and ask questions amongst themselves searching in vain for answers about the birth of Vatate Company and the $3m for a ship. Silence does not mean ignorance or being…


Dear Editor – Election fever is high, not only in Honiara, but in the provinces as well. Intending candidates are lobbying for potential voters, new political parties’ are launching their manifestos and everybody are wondering who they will vote for. From my observation in recent days, I was quite shocked and sadden to learn that…


Dear Editor – Your paper last week, Tuesday 14th October 2014 (edition#: 5640) had two interesting titles on the front page: “Govt Gets tough on Funds” and “MPs terminal grant forces Fanega’s removal”. Speaking of contradictions! Management of the nation’s finances by the outgoing government is anything but prudent. There’s only one phrase that aptly…

Party launch

Dear Editor – Allow me space to respond to Henry B. Kahui’s article in your Issue No 5628 (27/09/2014), wherein, he questioned Andrew Hanaria’s eligibility to contest the 2014 National General Elections (NGE). Firstly, the government offices that Mr Kahui called upon to clarify the issue have already made known their views and advised that…