Culture of Silence

DEAR EDITOR – “Silence is golden” so the saying goes. How true that is, is farfetched to prove. But this is a good virtue to embrace. Unfortunately it will be naive to ascribe to such a virtue if you are a leader of some sort in the society or community in which you live or…

Vote wisely this time

DEAR EDITOR – I would like to register here a few comments to all voters for the upcoming National General Election. These are not mere comments but are educational comments that need to be seriously considered. We have heard a lot of “Vote Wisely”. What does that really mean? It simply means, making a good…

“Speaker scrutinised”

DEAR EDITOR – The above headline on the front page of your Sunday (08/06/’14) Star edition refer. This is not surprising. The allegation is on a ‘business as usual’ subject in so far as our national leaders are concerned. Even if the Leadership Code Commission were to find that there is a case to answer,…

Please revive RIPEL

DEAR EDITOR – One of the countries’s larding industries, government tax contributor and economy booster was the Russell Islands Plantation Estate Limited (RIPEL). RIPEL bosses have been trying all their best to negotiate with the government over the years to ensure the resumption and or paying off of RIPEL. Government’s after governments seem to shrug…

Government’s inaction

  DEAR EDITOR – I read with interest the words of Central Bank’s Governor about why our economy is not moving and expanding. The Governor is the person in a very good position to tell us how we have been performing economically and what he rightly pointed out was what I have been observing for…

Flood victim must leave

DEAR EDITOR – Thank you for the space to raise my thought on the flood victims that are still in evacuation shelters. I think it is now time these people leave wherever they occupy. Clearing out the FOPA village and Panatina campuses are a must. If some are still there, I see no reason why they…

More women should be in parl

DEAR EDITOR – As a student in my early year 11 at Selwyn College, I am writing to complain about my dissatisfaction with the leaders of this beautiful nation of ours. One trend I find particular appalling is that the government of this nation really don’t care about this lovely nation of ours. But why…

Sale of land in Honiara

DEAR EDITOR – I wish to take this page to voice out my concern about the selling of land in our capital city, Honiara. The selling of land in our city is probably a matter of fact that had been tremendously done by those who will live in our capital city with the support from…

Naoniahu customary land

Dear Editor – Please allow me a space in your paper for raising my concern about Naoniahu customary land in the East Are’ Are. Naonihau tribal land chiefs did not accept any project for Naoniahu customary land without gathering and the approval from the chiefs of the following antithetical pieces of land in the Naonihau…