What MPs get

DEAR EDITOR –The article about what the MPs get is interesting. However, it would appear she has missed one figure.  What is the total amount we pay out each year to 50 of them? It would appear the only people who have not left town are the unemployed youth [and the stray dogs], a lot…

Ill-fated trip

Dear Editor – The news about the missing 27 has brought the country into tears. This unexpected news has been very tragic. Our hearts go out to the families who have affected by this tragedy. While we try to avoid the deadly coronavirus, this boat tragedy has shocked this nation. It makes me wonder why…

Health safety measures 

DEAR EDITOR – A report I sighted yesterday said the Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) has brought in a health safety measure to ensure those visiting the bank are not suffering from a fever that could give rise to the concern the visitor had coronavirus. From Monday, all the following rules will be in…

Thanks Dr Tautai

DEAR EDITOR – Please give me space in your paper to express my appreciation to Dr. Tautai Kaitu’u for his good heart of allowing the MV Avaiki Maine for people of Rennell and Bellona to go free. I also note that Dr. Tautai assisted people by giving them ration to help them when they reach…

Betel nut stalls

DEAR EDITOR – I see the betel nut and other product stalls opposite Telekom driveway have gone however I note the stall near BPI is still there as well as the stalls along the Ranadi foreshore.  Is this a case of “out of sight, out of mind”?  I am told the stall I mentioned yesterday…

Abuse of children

DEAR EDITOR – There are recent stories published in the media on the ongoing abuse of children.  Such heartbreaking stories indicate that our children are no longer safe in our communities. Children are vulnerable as they are young, physically weak and can easily be lured and abused by perpetrators. As parents, it is our paramount…

Unfair treatment

DEAR EDITOR – If Fiji students are evacuated then why not us Philippines students.  After all, we are all SIG sponsored students.   Why the government granted repatriation for Fiji students and not for us Philippines students. This is a very sad situation for us. If we are to compare the severity of the situation between…

Tigoa Nursing Homes 

DEAR EDITOR – This is my home, my residential accommodation, allocated to me when I was posted here several years ago, no tables, no chairs, no electricity, no water supply. I have to use rainwater for drinking, the house has run down as you can see, no maintenance done to this house, but what else…

Illegal stalls

DEAR EDITOR – I see the betel nut and other product stalls opposite Telekom driveway have gone however I note the stall near BPI is still there as well as the stalls along the Ranadi foreshore. Is this a case an “out of sight, out of mind”? I am told the stall I mentioned yesterday…


DEAR EDITOR – Please allow me space to contribute in your column, about people’s no care attitude on littering on the street.  As a young Solomon Islander, I am so sick and tired of seeing how people the careless attitude of people littering on the street every day.  It is sad to see that while…