Dear Editor – Please publish the following poem: You come whilst deep asleep Forgetting your knocking on the slippery metal door As the plan is to go backward under the floor While the whole commonwealth are deep   Into legalizing homosexuality into Homo sapiens Tools of creativity and more into stupidity Homo sapiens claiming higher…

Same sex marriage

Dear Editor – Whether we like it or not, it’s slowly but surely creeping into the land, the same sex marriage affair. S.I. hold on fast on the laws that you have which prohibits the same sex marriage or the Advocates deceive you. It is now a talk of the globe get ready to tackle…

Replacing aid with trade

Dear Editor – When addressing the New Zealand Pacific Council in Auckland recently, Prime Minister Rick Hou spoke about the need for the Solomon Islands to gradually curtail aid and to replace it with trade. The PM said, “It is politically and economically prudent that Solomon Islands gradually replace aid with trade, which will in…

Water, sanitation issues needing support

Dear Editor – An overview of health in the Solomon Islands remains characterized by high levels of infectious diseases, including malaria, respiratory diseases, water borne diarrhoea diseases and an increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).  The latter, as I have consistently written about, because of changes in diet and lifestyle habits. Among the major determinants…

Same sex marriage

Dear Editor – Just the thought of it makes me want to puke. Like I wrote earlier in your paper, one thing leads to another. The ‘modus operandi’ used by the advocates of this issue is to promote it publicly through what we call human rights. Children’s rights, women’s rights, animal’s rights, Lesbian Gay Bisexual…

Praise for local RSE workers

Dear Editor – New Zealand fruit growers are full of praise for the seasonal workers from the Solomon Islands as quoted in a news bulletin broadcast by Radio New Zealand today, 7 June 2018. Quote: “We couldn’t have done it without you” – New Zealand fruit grower John Van Vliet was full of praise for…

Fishing village market

Dear Editor – For years there have been calls to close down the Fishing Village market area in East Honiara. It seems the Honiara city council administration had been powerless to take action. Its very frustrating each day just to get stuck in the traffic along the Fishing Village market area because vehicles were parking…

Shortage of Lawyers

Dear Editor – The recent news revealing that government experience shortage of lawyers is a mistake from those who do planning and scholarship awards to students attending universities under Solomon Islands government (SIG) sponsorship. I have to raise this because this problem as revealed from the office of the DPP shows that there is lack of…