West Honiara funding

Dear Editor – Sometimes between March and May last year three communities at White River area namely Windy Valley, Windy Valley Heights and Forest Valley received $100,000 each from Ministry of infrastructure Development (MID) solely for road maintenance work. My concern is about how the money is being spent for the purpose it was intended…

Land board stops fraud

Dear Editor – Looking through old newspapers to find articles others and I wrote about logging and mining corruptions on Rennell, I find this article: LAND BOARD STOPS FRAUD—THE MINISTER HAPPY WITH NEW BODY, interesting. The article was written by Aatai John, and it appears in the front page of the Solomon Star Issue No.6783…

Church in jeopardy

Dear Editor – The issue of “New church movement” that appeared on front page of SS 6800, Monday January this year 2018, would be an eye lifting scenario for not only the church or mother church concerned but for the whole Christian community of the Solomon Islands as a whole. While we cannot deny or…

Help to Hearts of Hope

Dear Editor – I had news from my colleague at Take My Hands (TMH) Charity Trust in Auckland, New Zealand, that a container will shipped from New Zealand at the end of January containing much needed clothing requested for the Malaita based Hearts of Hope organization and 20 boxes of eye glasses, donated by Lions…

Thank you Snyder Rini

Dear Editor – On behalf of the people of Marovo, I take this opportunity to share some of our thoughts on our current member of parliament Chief Hon. Snyder. Rini. First and foremost, the people of Marovo would like to wish you a happy new year filled with good health and wisdom. Secondly, the people…

Plastic pollutants

Dear Editor – “Single-use plastics are a human addiction that we must face head on. Plastic pollution is not only impacting our waters and marine life, but also the human food chain and our overall health.” – Plastic Oceans.org.  Recent Radio New Zealand news bulletins have reported how the government in Vanuatu is leading the…

Never hit anyone

Dear Editor – Re ‘Men are accountable for violence against women’, where are parents to teach and train their children that they must NEVER hit anyone. Stop violence at home and it will not spread. You may say that is “easier said than done?” You be the starting voice to STOP any hitting in your…

Amend the use of CDF

Dear Editor – If the current national government is concern about the socio economic development of the nation, the best thing to do is to amend the usage of the current available government fund CDF to serve its intended purpose. It is irresponsible and bad for the country, for the government to continue with the…

Bus fare

Dear Editor – Please publish the following on the above topic: What’s the point? Whats the increase for? Do you want a CEO salary? For smoking and being smelly all day?   The fuel cost is down Yet the owners want an increase? Who are these owners? The Asians in Melanesian skin?   The last…