Root cause of gender violence

Dear Editor – Prime Minister Rick Houenipwela in his New Year message to the people of the Solomon Islands advised everyone to be positive about tomorrow despite the many challenges the country faced in 2017. The PM was essentially referring to the difficulty the country had faced in the past year in meeting the desired…

Is stealing not a crime?

Dear Editor – Stealing is synonymous to thieving or robbing. The Noah Webster Dictionary defined stealing as: Taking the goods of another feloniously or to take and carry away feloniously, as the personal goods of another (paraphrased). Webster went on to explain what constitute stealing or theft as; the taking must be felonious, that is,…

What is MID doing?

Dear Editor – The existence of poor infrastructure such as poor state of road and the costly poorly bus service experienced currently in Honiara indicated very clearly that this very important ministry, MID, is no longer performing its role. This ministry has an obligation to provide and improve transport infrastructure and services for the people…

Congratulations Hou

Dear Editor – The MP for small Malaita is now our new Prime Minister. Congratulations Alaha for given the duty to navigate our destiny for the next 10 months. As it is now, delivery of services is what the people this nation deserve.You can be somebody with wealth of experiences and academic tickets but if…

New PM for SI

Dear Editor – Radio New Zealand International yesterday, 15 November 2017, focused on the new Solomon Islands Prime Minister.  This is a précis of the RNZI news bulletin. “The new Solomon Islands prime minister Rick Hou says one of his new government’s priorities is to restore basic services to rural areas. “The former Central Bank…