Accommodation difficulties

Dear Editor – Accommodation problem is a cancer threatening the lives of Solomon Islands’ students in Fiji. Lack of secure home and proper space poses risks to the lives and learning of students. Students have been brutally affected by this issue over the years, yet continuously striving to success in an insecure and inconvenient environment,…

The realities of ROC funding

Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing me space to comment on the article that appeared in the Island Sun last week regarding ROC funds referred to the Author who was Alfred Sasako as secret funds. Firstly, the former Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo himself expressed displeasure with the way Alfred Sasako wrote the article.…

Mining in West Rennell

Dear Editor – Allow me space to contribute to discussion on mining in West Rennell, as that the issue has become a grave concern to the people of Renbel Province, considering the views of contributors via Facebook and other media outlets that the people of Rennell is threatened their very lives due to the operation.…

Food security, nutrition in schools

Dear Editor – In Honiara last week, when speaking during an inception workshop to launch the FAO-funded TCP Project, the PS of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL), Mr Jimi Saelea, said the DCCG was committed to address issues such as poverty, hunger and quality health when looking at agriculture-related issues in the country.…

Drink driving must be curbed

Dear Editor – New statistics of traffic related offences revealed by the Inspector in charge of the Kumum Traffic Centre focus on the fact that the police arrested 180 drivers last year following the introduction of random breath testing procedures. Inspector Surimalefo has said that to-date in 2017, a further 54 drivers were arrested after…

Kids park abused

Dear Editor – Good fun means good health for our children. Let’s all work together for better. One can never miss the coloured fence along the road side, right opposite the Police headquarter in Rove west side of Honiara. The height of the fence indicates the space behind can be a lovely day out for…

NPF investment proposals

Dear Editor – I wish to congratulate the Minister of Finance for rejecting the NPF Board’s new investment proposals. I believe such bad investment choices have exposed lack of appropriate competencies and financial/investment skills of the current NPF Board. For the sake of public confidence, the Minister of Finance must immediately revoke and terminate the…

DCCG regime

Dear Editor – At last they have changed their mind to join forces with the DCCG regime under the leadership of my kelekebo man PM Sogavare the say and do, and action speaks louder than words guy. How he has 41 MPs on his side on board the MV DCCG vessel. Sail on MV DCCG,…