Mining Rennell island

Dear Editor – I understand that the High Court of Solomon Islands has recently handed down its decision in a case involving a group of landowners who had challenged the legality of their land being acquired for mining purposes. In fact it was not a decision but rather the High Court judge in the said…

Why in the media, Jude?

Dear Editor – Allow me space in your column to kindly respond to article published by Jude Kaefia on the above subject in your paper published on 2nd December, 2016. While I respect Jude’s freedom of expression and scrutiny role on the elected Member for Ward 18, it is dispiriting indeed to see Jude thrillingly…

SI Built Environment Association

Dear Editor – I had the misfortune to sit through a “sermon” by the expatriate “expert” from the above organisation. The first thing I noticed was that the “consultant” had never built anything himself but “been a consultant to” all the mentioned projects. His “best sea wall” was the opposite and actually encouraged wave power…

Help needed

Dear Editor – I am looking for two girls that I went to boarding school with at St Catherines School, Waverley, Australia, in the 1960’s. They are Suhote Sikihi and Rosie Piko. One of my girlfriends who was at school at that time and I are coming to Honiara from 03 – 07 February 2017…

SI Built Environment Association

Dear Editor – I had the misfortune to sit through a “sermon” by the expatriate “expert” from the above organisation. The first thing I noticed was that the “consultant” had never built anything himself but “been a consultant to” all the mentioned projects. His “best sea wall” was the opposite and actually encouraged wave power…

Mining Rennel island

Dear Editor – I understand that the High Court of Solomon Islands has recently handed down its decision in a case involving a group of landowners who had challenged the legality of their land being acquired for mining purposes. In fact it was not a decision rather, the High Court Judge in the said case…

Malaita dialogue

Dear Editor – This is my assessment on the Malaita Dialogue which I attended and I wish to have it published in your paper. It was a great privilege for me to attend the Malaita leaders’ dialogue held in Auki from the 23rd to the 25th.11.16. It was an accident as in such occasions I…

Development programs

Dear Editor – The step taken by the Ministry of Lands and Housing to carry out their development plan programs awareness right down at the grassroot level is a step aim to target the right people, the resource owners to let them have their say and see how we go. Memalataokatela – Good idea amu…

Thanks Miss SI

Dear Editor – Its good to hear our team that recently participated at the Miss Pacific Islands Pageant show in Samoa have achieved a wonderful result. Congratulations to Miss Solomon Islands Camilla Grossmith and team, you have done our country proud by being the second runner up which is a step up for the country.…

Operation Janus

Dear Editor – Congratulation Operation Janus for catching two thieves or stealers in the Ministry of Finance. I suggest the next stop should be the Ministry of Infrastructure Development(MID). I was told, that’s where Satan had landed when he was chased out from Heaven and introduced stealing from public projects as an art.  Jack MuriArosi…