Smoking drivers

Dear Editor – As a regular weekday traveller on public transport, I wish to commend and acknowledged transport providers for their determination and he responsibility. On top of that there is a strategic and crucial change that needs to be adhered to in order to meet professional standards. First drivers who smoke while driving, with…

Wake up boys and girls!

Dear Editor – Wake up boys and girls, for your country needs your attention. Read the papers, and listen to your radios, this country is in need of national leaders. Leaders with integrity we have none. Leaders for the people we have none. Leaders with national vision we have none. Our leaders are now becoming…

Betel nut Ordinance

Dear Editor – In my first article, I said something about the negative impacts it imposes to citizens and our environment. However, there is an important issue which also needs to be addressed when dealing with the Ordinance. I believe the city council might already have some alternatives in mind. But, please let me mention…

Student bus fare

Dear Editor – As a young Solomon Islander, I am really concerned about the student fare from GPPOL 2 to Honiara. It already stated in all buses travelling from East Guadalcanal to Honiara that students fare is $10 for one way. I find particularly appalling that most of the bus conductors tend to ask bigger…

Pacific Games bid victory

Dear Editor – History was achieved in Port Vila last week and thanks to the government and its delegation. Your lobbying strategies earned us the award. Since Solomon Islands won the bid, what’s next? 2023 is not far away therefore we must start thinking about sporting facilities. The Burns Creek land must now adequately dealt…

Land for development

Dear Editor – As a Solomon Islander and one whose livelihood depends very much on the land I am living on, I tend to be nervous about the catch words and phrases being used now-a-days to try and allure landowners, to open up their lands for development. Whilst development is good, we must also carefully…

PMO claims nonsense

Dear Editor – The statement by the Office of the Prime Minister and cabinet blaming the Parliamentary Independent and Opposition groups of not supportive in the government’s efforts in getting the anti-corruption bill 2016 through parliament was outrageous on the part of the government, and logically it holds no sense at all. Being a lay…

Yow’s Apologists

Dear Editor – The ghost of Colin Yow refuses to go away, at least for now. Lately we have seen articles in your good paper (as well as in the Island Sun) written by apologists of the sacked CEO of SIPA. For instance, Henry Star Dora has elevated Mr Yow as a savior who has…

Premier insensitive

Dear Editor – We refer to the Solomon Star issue in which Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke made comments in relation to the recent brawl in the Windy Ridge area. We have the victims have seen that Veke’s response to the claim was not the type of quality leader that Guadalcanal citizen need in today’s world.…