Home for Kurukuru

Dear Editor – A home speaks of protection, rest, identity, and future. Every time the Kururkuru secure a victory the whole nation went bananas. The die-hard fans would frequent the video outlet shops to hopefully get a glimpse of the excitement. In 2008 I was privileged to cook for them the whole tournament in Suva,…

SIPA noodle import

Dear Editor – It was with a great deal of disappointment that I read the article published in the Friday edition of the newspaper that covered the CEO of SIPA and his intention to add Noodles to his long list of folly’s outside the remit under which SIPA is supposed to operate. My Yow, the…

NZ seasonal work scheme

Dear Editor – Thanks for allowing me space so I can express myself some of the practices and unfair salary returns working in a farm in New Zealand under the much publicised Seasonal Workers scheme. My experience must be exposed so not to give false promises to others who might contemplate having a go at…

Check the shopkeepers

Dear Editor – I see several Asian farmers were sent home because they were working for a different company and PNG is clamping down store keepers. How about SIG checking the papers of all our storekeepers? Might be a good fee collection or clean out for several SIG Miniseries. J.R. WilliamsHoniara