Media errors

Dear Editor – Please kindly correct two errors which appeared under the article “Ministry unaware of claims” in page 2 of yesterday’s issue (no. 6307), * Paragraph 2, your report quoted $15 million was paid out to ex-combatants. This is grossly erroneous. The correct amount paid out was $3 million * Paragraph 6, your report…

Bred Bank – welcoming news!

A FOURTH commercial bank is poised to enter the local market this year. Bred Bank (Vanuatu) Limited was granted an interim licence, Monday, by the Central Bank of Solomon Islands. The licence allows Bred Bank to establish its banking infrastructures and equipment and open for business within the 12 months interim period. Bred (Vanuatu) Limited…

Growth pains: Vanuatu’s transition

Vanuatu is in the news again. Along with three other Pacific Island countries, which enjoy the status of least developed country (LDC) for special treatment by international donor community including various multilateral funding agencies aside from industrialized nations, Vanuatu has made the right signals once again, as it would be graduating soon. Addressing the Comprehensive…

Oil price uncertainty

The oil price is rising. Good days of price per barrel between US$40 to US$50 appear to be over. In normal times, oil price is determined by its own supply and demand. Oil price rose more than 70 percent since early this year due to supply disruptions around the globe. The June 23 British referendum…

Radio advertisement

Dear Editor – The above advertisement has been relayed over SIBC to the general public for quite a while now.  It is believed to be promoting twisty that is sold by Low Price Enterprise. This particular advertisement is based on a made up story about a giant who cried without stopping because a child stole…

Gov’t priorities

Dear Editor – Its interesting to see more government vehicles running here and there around the city. It must have cost the government millions of dollars to purchase them. There are government ministries which have more vehicles than others. Some of the vehicles were supposed to be used by government for years. However, soon some…

Dental services

Dear Editor – As a taxpayer of this happy nation, I would like to voice out some of my personal findings about the dental services. First of all, I would like to ask a question, where is the national dental clinic of Solomon Island? I know that there are three main dental services in any…

Students back

Dear Editor – Last Saturday, my cousin brother arrived back from PNG. He was one of the students repatriated from studies due to the continuing civil unrest amongst PNG students. I write to just thank the government to making that decision to repatriate our students. My cousin told me that situation there was frightening and…

Facing up to corruption

Taking a principled stand against corruption, especially when corruption is entrenched, doesn’t come without some cost, personally and even politically, as appears to have been hinted at in the latter case in the Solomon Islands. Let me first illustrate by what I mean when I refer to personal cost when facing up to corruption. In…

Climate change: the lament of a people

ALLOW me to retell a familiar experience of my brothers and sisters living on the artificial islands in the happy isles in a situation we’re stunned and marvel as effects of climate change take its tolls. From the outset, the issue about climate change is its enormity, too big that, the rest of humanity could…