Strong stuff from SFA

Urgent action is needed THIS week forestry regulatory body, Solomon Forest Association (SFA) issued a veiled warning that if the Government does not act in doing something about rogue logging companies, it would wind up. Such drastic action would leave the door wide open for fly-by-night loggers to come and go and to practice their…

Facing up to corruption

Dear Editor – Taking a principled stand against corruption, especially when corruption is entrenched, doesn’t come without some cost, personally and even politically, as appears to have been hinted at in the latter case in the Solomon Islands. Let me first illustrate by what I mean when I refer to personal cost when facing up…

Have we not learned the lesson?

RECENT rumours of another tension have reportedly forced a number of families to leave Honiara for their home province. This is despite denial by authorities on Guadalcanal, as well as the police, of another uprising. The fact that these families left shows the severity the rumours have had on the community. At one of the…

Facing up to corruption

Dear Editor – Taking a principled stand against corruption, especially when corruption is entrenched, doesn’t come without some cost, personally and even politically, as appears to have been hinted at in the latter case in the Solomon Islands. Let me first illustrate by what I mean when I refer to personal cost when facing up…

Solo Icon show

Dear Editor – I just want to call on the organisers of the Solo Icon Competition to please improve their sound system for the upcoming semi-finals of the Solo icon competition. I say this because as a person who love to watch talented young Solomon Islands sing their hearts out in the Solo Icon, I…

Our soccer

Dear Editor – I read with interest comments the national soccer coach Moses Toata made in your paper after their semi-final loss to Papua New Guinea. I appreciate his taking responsibility for the loss and his efforts towards the national side. Let me however say this. The time is right of the country to recruit…

Tackling climate threats

Dear Editor – Climate impacts in the Solomon Islands, a country that dependent on fishing and small-scale farming for sustenance, are set to intensify pressure on food security. But innovative, participatory approaches may help policy makers navigate possible future scenarios in order to develop the right policy responses. However, the most pressing issues facing Solomon…