Yow’s Apologists

Dear Editor – The ghost of Colin Yow refuses to go away, at least for now. Lately we have seen articles in your good paper (as well as in the Island Sun) written by apologists of the sacked CEO of SIPA. For instance, Henry Star Dora has elevated Mr Yow as a savior who has…

Premier insensitive

Dear Editor – We refer to the Solomon Star issue in which Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke made comments in relation to the recent brawl in the Windy Ridge area. We have the victims have seen that Veke’s response to the claim was not the type of quality leader that Guadalcanal citizen need in today’s world.…

You crucified himself

Dear Editor – One Henry J Star Dora wrote under the heading, “they conspired and crucified Yow” in a letter which appeared in the Tuesday issue of your newspaper. His “they” group comprises, the Attorney General, SIPA Board Chairman, President of SFA, and myself. Not sure whether this is the same man who organised performances…

Nothing to laugh about

Dear Editor – I would appreciate the opportunity to respond to the piece published in the Tuesday edition of the Star by M.R Junior. Mr Junior, clearly you don’t know me well. I find nothing to laugh about with this whole sad saga of SIPA and the demise of Mr Yow. I certainly don’t laugh…

Tribute to David Friend 1940-2015

Dear Editor – David Friend was born in Hampshire in 1940.   He obtained a BSc (Agric)  from Reading University and  a DTA from the University of the  West Indies.    He was appointed as  tree crops  agronomist to the British Solomon Island Protectorate during 1964 and was posted  to Dala Research Station on Malaita. At Dala…

SIPA’s sponsorship

Dear Editor – Sad to hear that Collin Yow is being given the marching order to leave. My worry is with the sponsorship deals with some of our organisations and sports team. Would they still benefit from the financial package? I hope that Board can enlighten us on this.  Joss Den JnrHoniara

Who is next?

An analysis of the sacking of the SIPA chairman and board member MINISTER for Infrastructure Development, Jimmy Lusibaea, caused a political stir when he sacked SIPA chairman Billy Titiulu and Board member, Johnny Sy on the weekend. “I have taken the action because it has come to my knowledge that both men have been secretly…

Sea fare increase

Dear Editor –It is indeed a sad news for us the general public if the above caption comes to full implementation next week. As stated in the Solomon Star newspaper issue 6168 on Monday this week that sea travelers boarding local ships in Honiara to their provinces may likely to dig deeper into their pockets…