NZ seasonal work scheme

Dear Editor – Thanks for allowing me space so I can express myself some of the practices and unfair salary returns working in a farm in New Zealand under the much publicised Seasonal Workers scheme. My experience must be exposed so not to give false promises to others who might contemplate having a go at…

Village setting, our safety net

ALL indigenous Solomon Islanders have a village to call home. We are very fortunate for this blessing. Even our local urban residents raced to the village setting to rejoin with their loved ones and relatives during a festive season’s break, or when life is unbearable on the other sides. The village setting is our Safety…

Check the shopkeepers

Dear Editor – I see several Asian farmers were sent home because they were working for a different company and PNG is clamping down store keepers. How about SIG checking the papers of all our storekeepers? Might be a good fee collection or clean out for several SIG Miniseries. J.R. WilliamsHoniara