Where is China town?

Dear Editor – After independence in 1978, the China town in Honiara is between MHMS and Honiara High School. Today the entire Honiara City is now known as China town. From my observations, I started to see Chinese moving into the residential areas with their big shops. This is not bad but it is a…

Noise in the name of Christ

Dear Editor – It has become a practice that religious groups use the name of Christ to make unnecessary noise through loud music throughout late night hours. This is of real disturbance to many people who would like to have their night rest. It is understood that making unnecessary loud noise after 10 pm is…

Cultural event

Dear Editor – Wish to acknowledge the two schools in Honiara for the hosting of their cultural event last week. Culture forms part of our society and its important that our children must also learn each others culture. Wherever you go, culture cannot be ignored because its part our us. So the move by King…

It’s not Abana but Parapolo

Dear Editor – Gratefully allow me space under your editorial column to highlight and correct the wrong profile information given about the two national leaders on our National Parliament website. I was browsing through our national Parliament website (http://www.parliament.gov.sb/index.php?q=node/833)  for research purposes. My researching on our former and current Members of Parliament resulted with locating…

Customer service policy: Disability rights

Dear Editor – The People with Disability Solomon Islands organisation’s president Casper Fa’asala in a statement he made over Radio New Zealand International’s Dateline Pacific news programme a few days ago commented on the lack of accessibility for disabled persons to buildings, shops and banks in Honiara. Major banks, and their subsidiaries, are generally committed…

PMO – explanations please!

THE Opposition is right. The silence coming from the Office of the Prime Minister on its questionable handling of certain issues is truly deafening. So much so for a government that assumes power on the platform of change. Take the Skyline saga for instance. There have been questions raised about the genuineness of this paper…

Waste of state’s meagre resources

IT would be an absolute waste of the state’s meagre resources if Manaoba Airfield in Malaita, and Lomlom in Temotu, are left to their own devices. The government spent millions of dollars to build these two airfields in the hope they’ll benefit, in particular people of these two regions, and in general the country. But…

Building a Solomons savings culture

HONIARA, (ANZ) – In the Solomon Islands women have always played an instrumental role in their communities. In the small island nation of just over half a million people some 70 vernacular languages are spoken and a subsistence economy prevails. Now the central role  of women is further evolving as they play an even greater…