Employment in SI

DEAR EDITOR, Where are we going from here in terms of Employment? The total population estimated by the SI National Statistics Office for 2022 is 722,392 and is expected to grow in the years to come. CBSI’s Fourth Quarter Report in December 2021 reported that total employment stands at 55,573, down 3% from the same…

Signed deals with PRC

LAST WEEK the country hosted the State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of People’s Republic of China (PRC) Wang Yi. The historic and milestone visit came two years after the country inked the deal with PRC. Solomon Island was the first on the list for Wang’s visit which highlighted the recognition PRC had for…


Interview with Sir Frank O. Kabui, Former Governor General Interviewer: I heard that SIBC had contacted you to say something as a former Governor-General on this occasion of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Sir Frank Kabui:  Yes but I declined as I was not sure of the protocol aspect. I however was able to get the…

Patrick Lavery

Dear Editor, My name is Nino Nieddu. I am asking for your help to get in touch with Patrick Lavery, the former solicitor general of the Solomon Islands. Patrick and I shared a house in Manchester along with other friends many, many years ago. I would be grateful if you could pass on my best…