Please amend the mining Act

Dear Editor – One of the issues that became very controversial and did catch the spotlight of the media a few years ago was the Gold Ridge landowners royalty payment ending up in the wrong hands. That very scaring situation had not only left the concerned landowners amazed with disbelief but had also raised a…

National carrier takes a major leap forward

SOLOMON Airlines took a major step this week with the launch of its new and direct route to and from Sydney, Australia. The flight leaves Honiara on Mondays, returning the next day. There are several reasons why this direct route is important for Solomon Airlines, Solomon Islands, and Australia. Firstly, Sydney is the commercial hub…

Law and grace

Dear Editor – Confusion had engulfed the Christian denomination when the above mention, law and grace are a spotlight throughout the media. Since the purpose for the church (exclesia called out ones) is to reconcile the lost to our God and Father. The opposite is evident, scattering and not gathering. It seems that we the…

Mobile banking

Dear Editor – First of all I want to thank ANZ and its partner Telekom for promoting and bringing banking closer to our Rural Village people. To those who actually roll out the ANZ goMoney project, I would say, you have done a very good job. You have professionally implementing the project successfully and everyone…

Value of renewable energy sources

Dear Editor – The recent gift of solar panels to the Saranga Community Learning Centre in North West Guadalcanal by the Australian High Commissioner, apart from a being a very welcome gift and energy source, highlights the value of renewable energy for isolated, rural communities. It will be to the continuing advantage of the Democratic…

Arguing over word of God

Dear Editor – I read with interest those who claim to hold the word of God arguing with each other for the past three weeks. Don’t you know that the kingdom of God or higher self is within, not in any ritual, dogma, doctrine, law or tradition? The all seeing and all knowing is within…

The Grace of Humility

Welcome to the ‘Thought for the Week’ column where we will be discussing the subject of Humility. We will be looking at this subject for the next two weeks. I pray that God will speak to you through his Word as we explore this subject in our discussion. The idea of humility was not popular…

Thanks PM Sogavare!

MEDIA workers marked World Press Freedom Day on Wednesday night in Honiara – three weeks after the official designated day on May 3. The celebrations may have come a bit late, but it was worth the time and money spent to mark the occasion at the Honiara Hotel. Media workers across the world celebrated this…

Denominational barriers in SI

Dear Editor – It is quite disgusting and very provoking to learn of the so many arguments going on for more than 3 weeks regarding the Law & Grace Theology between the two theologians. Whilst I appreciate the freedom to speak and express people’s faith and beliefs I also hate to learn of people quarrelling…

Thank you MP Auga

Dear Editor – Please publish this in your editorial section. The Member of Parliament for Lau Mbaelelea (Hon. Augustine Auga) is one of the MPs who realises investing in human resources as a priority. Students are the future leaders and human resources of this nation and assisting students in one way or the other is…