The nation’s first NGO

THE acronym N.G.O. is now ubiquitous. Non-Government Organisations: why do they exist and for what reason? Who are they and how do they operate? Where are they operating from and most importantly of all, for whom do they operate? These are really healthy questions. According to Wikipedia   an NGO is an organization that is neither…

World must learn lessons of Cyclone Pam

Massive destruction wrought by Cyclone Pam is a reminder that we must work together to fight for island futures, writes SHIRLEY LABAN* OFFICIALS from across the region are meeting in Samoa this week to discuss Pacific responses to a changing climate. They meet with a renewed sense of urgency, as they consider shared positions for…

Review of Konggulai water source lease

Dear Editor – Review of Konggulai water source after every four years is long overdue since 1995. Successive persons holding the post of commissioner of lands and management of SIWA including successive governments simply ignore the above issues as not important after the first review in 1991. The Konggulai land owners and the registered trustees…

Reading and literacy

Dear Editor – This is a follow up letter to my earlier communication regarding reading and literacy. Strike while the iron is hot is a motto used in some parts of the world community, that opportunity exists now with respect to Ms Boykin’s and Ms Talasasa’s tour of Read Pacific, Ltd in New Zealand. As…

Mother’s Day

Dear Editor – The recent Mother’s Day celebrations should be reflected on as it has some very important message that our country should dealt with seriously. Of course acknowledging our mothers is very important as they are everything to us. We should thank God and our mothers for raising us to what we are now.…

Why MSG must stand with West Papua

NEWS coming from the troubled and enclosed nation of West Papua over the weekend are historic. Indonesian president Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo granted clemency to five political prisoners who have been serving various jail terms for their alleged role in a raid on an Indonesian Armed Forces weapons arsenal in Wamena on 4 April 2003. The…

Support call

Dear Editor – As a chief from small Malaita and chairman of the Aulutalau council of chiefs, I wish to support the Malaita Masina Forum’s call  for the government not to give any responsibility to our MP Rick Hou and Shadrach Fanega. The government must take heed of Malaita Masina Forum’s call because the allegations…

Correction – I resigned from FSII

Dear Editor – This letter serves to clarify a misunderstanding to an article captioned “Judas of Papua reportedly here” by Charley Piringi of Solomon Star newspaper published yesterday, Sunday 10th May 2015. The statement quoted a telephone interview with me on Friday 8th May. I quote “President of the Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) Redley…

SI is a ‘functional society’, is it?

In a nation state, a ‘Functional Society’ has to build symmetrical relationships of cooperation between ‘change agents’. In this regard, in every aspect different organs in the society are equal players, and so the need to break with the relationships of subordination. This will ensure we preserve a stable and harmonious environment for the betterment…

Virgin coconut oil

Dear Editor – According to the International Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) there is a growing demand for virgin coconut oil on world markets, especially if used as a nutritional food supplement. The Solomon Islands is blessed with an abundance of coconuts but I query to what extent virgin coconut oil is being made to…