
DEAR EDITOR, It appears the prime minister of the Solomon Islands and his government will do anything to stay in power. Corruption, taking away the independence of the national broadcaster, lying to the people of the Solomon Islands and everyone else, it wouldn’t have anything to do with China would it? Vote them out your…

America Stands With SI

DEAR EDITOR, In 1513, Machiavelli warned the world of the costs that selling one’s state to the hands of foreign mercenaries entails. Today, the words of “The Prince” are truer than ever. As an American, and global citizen with profound respect for the storied past and glorious future of the Solomon Islands, I possess concern…

A setback for our tourism industry

MONDAY’s annual commemoration of the Battle of Guadalcanal which took place at Bloody Ridge National Peace Park in East Honiara ended with a bloody incident that resulted in the stabbing of a Japanese Military personnel. The unfortunate incident happened at the commemoration service of the 80th anniversary of the battle of Guadalcanal. The incident received…


DEAR EDITOR, As a concerned parent, I now understand that Aligegeo Provincial Secondary school suspended classes due to students testing positive for Malaria, but no malaria medicine was available for treatment at Kilu’ufi hospital. I also understand that the Kilu’ufi Health Surveillance team failed to assist the school when they already knew the situation is…