Rearmament of police officers

AS many have decided, there is great need for certain units of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) to be rearmed as warranted by the nature of their duty following the recent ethnic tensions we had here. Two such units are the Maritime and VIP units. Not that alone, but as members of the…

Corruption considerations

GABRIEL, a Honiara writer, submitted a letter to the Editor of the Solomon Star newspaper, in which he claimed, “It is my considered view that the national budget (2015) being debated at the moment is a budget to continue funding corruption which is rampant nationally.” In a sovereign country like the Solomon Islands and with…

Rano and clients acquitted

THE Solomon Star and Island Sun newspapers on 25th March 2015 carried interesting news items about the above matter.  In those items, Wilson Rano boasted about the withdrawal of charges against him and his clients Nilton Chite and Rodney Hiva at the Central Magistrate court and claimed that the charges were acquitted because Ataban Tahu…

Addressing Kukum’s traffic jam

THE Honiara City Council has indefinitely closed down the central market for repair. This is a welcomed decision. The market has been in operation for the last 15 or so years since the Japanese government built and handed over the facility to the council. It has never undergone any major refurbishment. The decision to close…

We became laughing stocks

Dear Editor – I read with great interest Waeta Ben Tabusasi’s   and J.R William’s letters to the editor, Star No.5787 dated Thursday 9 April, 2015.  As a former reasonable political leader and senior citizen of our beloved country, one can say with certainty that Mr Tabusasi’s   appearance in our daily paper must have been based…

Someone has to answer

Dear Editor – It was very interesting to see the front page of Island Sun on the Monday 13th April 2015 edition. The High Court decided in favour of the Baha’i Community on a commercial building built by a Chinese. I wonder what it will be like if all similar cases of such nature are…

Sumsum has a point

Dear Editor – The airfares to and from the Solomons are not an issue for the lack of tourism to this country. As a visitor to the Solomons over the past ten years I can say that the lack of advancement in the infrastructure and amenities for tourists has been extremely disappointing. The airfares of…

Understanding self-regulated learning

EVEN as this nation had so many achievements in classroom learning techniques, teachers need to turn their attention more specifically to “self-regulated” learning provided for their learners. The major confront faced by our school systems relates to Self-Regulated Learning in order to successfully develop self-efficacy. It is important to understand the notion of self-regulated learning…

SINU or SICHE graduation?

Dear Editor – Congratulations to everyone and everything which had a hand in making SINU’s second graduation ceremony the great success it was. Indeed it was so great to see the smiles on the faces of graduates with their degrees, diplomas, and certificates. The joy of academic achievement is usually supreme in our personal lifes…