
Dear Editor – Election fever is high, not only in Honiara, but in the provinces as well. Intending candidates are lobbying for potential voters, new political parties’ are launching their manifestos and everybody are wondering who they will vote for. From my observation in recent days, I was quite shocked and sadden to learn that…


Dear Editor – Your paper last week, Tuesday 14th October 2014 (edition#: 5640) had two interesting titles on the front page: “Govt Gets tough on Funds” and “MPs terminal grant forces Fanega’s removal”. Speaking of contradictions! Management of the nation’s finances by the outgoing government is anything but prudent. There’s only one phrase that aptly…

The signpost that says it all

It’s a screamer and one that has a message for anyone that cares to take note. It was printed in white on a black ‘T’-shirt displayed in a northside Brisbane shop. The corner of my eye saw it as I was walking through this shopping centre one afternoon. It drew my attention instantly. It says…

Submit to one another

Once again, I would like to welcome you to our continuing discussion on the ‘One Another’ sayings in the New Testament.  This week we are looking at the fourteenth of the ‘One Another’ sayings in the New Testament “Submit to One Another” (Ephesians 5:21). Vance Havner says, “The church is not developing her recruits into…

Party launch

Dear Editor – Allow me space to respond to Henry B. Kahui’s article in your Issue No 5628 (27/09/2014), wherein, he questioned Andrew Hanaria’s eligibility to contest the 2014 National General Elections (NGE). Firstly, the government offices that Mr Kahui called upon to clarify the issue have already made known their views and advised that…

Aviation beacon installations

Dear Editor – Please give me space in your editorial column to write briefly regarding the news carried out in Solomon star issue no: 5627 of 27thSeptember 2014, Lomo clarifies beacon installation. It is confused(surprise and confused) that the PS aviation as responsible boss and the accountable person responsible for all money expended (Pacific vaizeds…

Chopping of trees

Dear Editor – In response to a recent a suggestion to cut trees to drive away betel nut vendors, I would like to say chopping the trees down will not solve the betel nut problem. The sellers will just put up umbrellas and keep selling. The trees which were planted by SEB gives beauty, shade…