Election Date 2014

Dear Editor – I notice that just about every day there is an article in the local papers about possible election dates. Our Constitution clearly says that general elections must be held within four months after Parliament has been dissolved. The National Parliament Electoral Provisions Act (as amended) qualified this by saying that such election…

Muaki, Forau & PMO

Dear Editor – I read with interest and a little dismay at the continue debate by our elites regarding Dr Jimmy Rodger’s yet undeclared intention to stand for national election and who according to Mr. Forau will be the best PM. Unfortunately I do not buy the PMO argument, which was critically responded to by…

Charitable trust

Dear Editor – High Court Judge, His Honour, Justice Pallaras QC has recently expressed his serious concerns over domestic violence in the Solomon Islands and the plight of so many women and young girls suffering violence and human rights abuse, especially, he said, as the Solomon Islands is a signatory to the United Nations Convention…

Confess your sins to One Another

This is the eleventh of the ‘One another’ sayings in the New Testament which we have discussed over the last ten weeks. This week we look at James injunction,“Confess your sins to one another” (James 5:16). When we develop our spiritual discipline of confession we find freedom. Confession can be one of the most difficult…

White River clinic

Dear Editor – I write to raise concern with regards to the White River clinic. During the April flash flood, this clinic was damaged by the flood. There were some help given to the clinic to ensure it is up and operational again. So within few weeks work on restoring the clinic was done with…

PMO vs Forau

Dear Editor – This is a brief reply to provide context to Peter Forau’s personal attack on me as appeared in Solomon Star issue number on 5621. Forau’s attack on me personally is not warranted but I will not do likewise and attack his reputation. What I wish to do is to correct some incorrect…

Dr Who for PM’s job?

Dear Editor – I have just seen Peter Forau’s letter to the editor glorifying Dr Rodgers as the best man to be our nation’s next PM (see Star No.5617 of Monday 15th Sept 2014). Please allow me to exercise my democratic right to disagree with Peter’s flawed opinion. In the penultimate paragraph of his letter…

A pristine bay under threat

Takataka faces the menacing pillage of loggers ON the South East Coast of Malaita, lies a pristine piece of natural beauty, which is Takataka Bay. Situated in the heart of East Areare, Takataka Bay is one of the remaining coastal regions of Malaita which has escaped pillaging by loggers. For centuries, the surrounding forests have…