Eligibility for nomination

Dear Editor – The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission responded to my letter to the Solomon Star requesting legal clarification on the above. I am afraid, its position is not a court order, hence it still failed to satisfy the doubts I shared with Mr. Wilfred Atomea. In its reply, the SIEC reiterated its earlier position…

Choosing leaders who walk the talk

THANKS again to Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI). Through a survey they commissioned recently, we were able to know the attendance and performance of the outgoing MPs in parliament. Latest findings released yesterday showed only a few Members of Parliament regularly contribute to debate on bills that come before parliament. Last week, the TSI survey revealed…

Unhygienic behaviour

Dear Editor – An interesting article appeared in your paper last week regarding the unhygienic behaviour of people in Honiara by reporter Inifiri. This incident is only a tip of a host of demographic issues facing Honiara. Apart from the many factors which I hope the people of the HCC and the elected representatives which…

Extension of city boundary

Dear Editor – It is my humble view that Tandai Landowners should shelf the negotiations and think of better deals which will give them a win- win conclusion. Tandai Landowners have since early Planters settled in with purchasing their lands with goods and English pounds with peanut values to today’s land values in Solomon Islands…

Lee’s Lake

Dear Editor – The recent study done at Lees Lake is a good sign of moving the community forward in terms of business, employment and general improvement of the people’s quality of life in the future. The community is anticipating such visit by our local experts and government officials to play a leading role in…

Rodgers for PM

Dear Editor – I was hesitant to respond to Mr Iroga’s response to my Letter to the Editor as printed by the Solomon Star in which I had advocated for Dr Rodgers to be the next PM. I’m doing so now solely for one purpose and that is to sincerely and respectfully apologise to the…

Betelnut in Honiara

Dear Editor – I am writing to condemn the stubborn citizens of this country in Honiara who continue to mess Honiara streets with their betel nut stains and their rubbish. The Honiara City Council (HCC) is trying to help clean up Honiara city but cannot do it by themselves. As a citizen I feel for…

Thanks Hanaria

Dear Editor – The recent launching of United Party manifesto at Nariaoa in East Are”are is acknowledged and the party leader is praised for that. We have a very unstable climate due to lack of political party knowledge by our people. Our voters need to understand the principles and policies of all political parties before…