Underpasses reopened – respect them

THE Honiara City Council must be commended for reopening the two underpass crossings in the city. The decision was timely and relevant, as Japan is in the process of improving Honiara’s road system with the aim of addressing the worsening traffic congestion. Under the project, the Honiara market underpass will be renovated and improved. These…

What achievements?

Dear Editor – Soon the ninth parliament will dissolve and the nation will go to the polls again to elect our new parliamentarians. Before we go to the polls, it’s good to look back and assess the performances of our MPs and their achievements in the last 4 years. First, parliament debate participation. Three quarters…

POB and its clients

Dear Editor – Much has been expressed in the paper about Pan Oceanic Bank (POB). Some were for and others against. It is normal with anything that is new that there will be doubts and reservations while others simply take it as it comes. But just a reminder to those who are flooding that bank…

Our ocean

Dear Editor – Believing in a creation theology, the Ocean is none other than a sanctuary of our well being. Our Pacific Ocean is the world’s largest and is home to countless marine migratory and coastal marine species which are vital components in sustaining our vast underwater realm. These natural inhabitants of the Pacific Ocean…

Chiefs need more power

Dear Editor – The current role carried out by the Chiefs and traditional leaders has been limited by law (legislation). This limitation of power remains unchanged for 36 years since Solomon Islands Independence took effect in 1978. There have been several reviews and reforms and several forms of governments have attempted to address the issue…

Our rights at risk

Dear Editor – It is now high time that every voting indigenous Solomon Islander rise up and use the ballot box to change direction and defend their every right to live in this land and be prosper rather than being sidelined like strangers in their own land. Just look at the city of Honiara. With…

Knowing one-self

Dear Editor – I could not be given in easily to temptation. That is why I am valuable. I never involved in unlawful activities that is why I prosper in my values considerably. I could be a leader of my country, society or even in my own family. Why there are millions of opportunities out…

Gao-Bugotu MP

Dear Editor – I wish to respond to the letter written by Peter Dikota (Solstar issue: 5601). While I appreciate the fact you respond defensively, what I want on the article was just a clear explanation on how the MP spend the money that was supposed for Kalenga School but they never received which was…

2014 Election Integrity Pledge

Many candidates have been swept in to Parliament on promises that have never been fulfilled. Some change their color when they win elections, contradicting what they have promised during campaigning. Integrity is a value that is vital to build this country stronger, a belief that Transparency Solomon Islands continues to support. TSI would like to…