Appeal to Edmond Sae

DEAR EDITOR – I write this an open letter to Edmond Sae. Edmond Sae, may I refer to you as Edmond? You are quite likely aware of the recent call from the Malaita Provincial Police Commander, Alfred Uiga, for you to surrender yourself and be given a fair trial.I am likely to be highly criticised…

Tavanipupu and NPF loan

Dear Editor – As one of the investors that has spent millions of dollars and nearly every waking hour for six years working on Tavanipupu, I need to correct a few things that were in the article printed on Wednesday, June 25th on the above. First, the NPF board is probably one of the finest…

Tina Hydro project

Dear Editor – We write on the above subject to express our deepest disappointment on Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo led government to hijack the TRHDP from us by dealing with people outside Bahomea to pursue their self serving interest to use section 75 part two of the “land and little act” to compulsory acquired…

NPF loan

Dear Editor – I read in the papers that NPF is now having problems with one of its loans, in particular that to the Tavanipupu Tourist Resort. At the very beginning as far as I could remember, I raised my doubts as to the ability and the capacity of the resort to service the $15…

Good decision are fair decision

CORRUPTION also means unfairness and in the sense of mining sector where resources are scarce and the hype for benefits are high corruption can often set in. Mining and forestry are generating big revenues for governments, at the same time generates serious negative impacts. TSI believes that decisions are much taken at the upper level…

Can we trust ourselves?

While computers can be trusted to churn out the rubbish, can we trust ourselves to do the same? LAST week the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission announced its newly-installed Biometrics Voter Registration (BVR) system detected nearly 6,000 potential voters who repeatedly registered to vote in the national general elections later this year. One voter registered nine…

City Council and workshops

DEAR EDITOR – Please allow me space to express concerns on this issue above. It is encouraging to see many money making business activities emerging in every corner of the capital – a pop-corn here and an ice block there, a fish & chips here, a coconut there, a carwash here, a canteen there and…

World Cup Soccer

DEAR EDITOR – Watch out Solomons! There is a new brand of football or soccer as is popularly known now generally being played in Brasil at the World Cup. It is a blend of rugby, Aussie rules, and the little that is left of soccer as we are used to playing. The new brand I…

Three provinces miss out from PCDF program

DEAR EDITOR – Renbel Province is amongst the least developed provinces in the country. However, least educated members dominating the assembly had made the situation even worse as most colleagues believe. Besides lacking of knowledge and proper understanding on regulations and procedures, they corrupted and diverted most public funds include the PCDF projects, yet always…

Justice catching up on the thieves

JOHN Poloso, 47, was jailed yesterday for two and half years for his part in the $10 million scandal uncovered in the Ministry of Health and Medical Service last year. He became the first accused to be jailed for his part in the scandal. Poloso pleaded guilty to two counts of false pretences. The Magistrates…