Solomon Islands today

Dear Editor – Since RAMSI arrived in the Solomon Islands in 2003, life for the majority of ordinary Solomon islanders hasn’t improved. From the infrastructure side of things, the feeder roads in Honiara have gone from bad to worse. Many of these were tar sealed in 1978 at independence, 35 years ago. Please note that…

Why struggle

Dear Editor – I want to share my point of view concerning the heading, Why struggle’ might you people confuse of what I am trying to explain here. Let me show you some countries where experience the same situation almost our country Solomon Islands experience today. Malawis and Ethiopias of this world, experiencing the mighty…

A true Temotu arrow warrior

Dear Editor – Firstly, to express my sincere thank and appreciation to the Honourable Premier of Temotu Province Fr Brown Beu for refusing and rebuffing the bribery attempt on him by a foreign corrupt investor/logger in their attempt to evade and by pas the required regulations for quick logging on Vanikoro Island. Premier Beu’s bolt…

Go there and register to vote

The Biometric Voter Registration starts tomorrow and continues for the next 40 days. We encourage every eligible voter to go to the nearest centre and register. It is important you do so. Not only because it is your right, but more so because if you fail to register, you will not be eligible to vote…

SIEA generators

Dear Editor – Its with excitement to read last week about SIEA commissioning two new generators at its Honiara power station. At least we can see some investments being done to improve power problem in the city. I do hope that power outage in relations to generator problem will be minimal. I would only accept…


Dear Editor – I am following up my previous article about appointment of Mr Moti as Attorney General because I have requested the responsible Commissioner or anyone at all to correct my comments on the issue but it looks though the Commissioner does not wish to take side or to comment on the issue. I…

Voters’ voices in Parliament

Dear Editor – My Honourable Member when we were together in schools your personal attitude character was wonderful which made me and other students admired you and we became long time good friends helping each other in our study and in the fields. Our parents are Church-goers so we always met at Church services on…