Women in Parliament

Women in government or representation of women in Parliament are often quite hard for many to accept in this country, however since the national general election is just around the corner, it is the right time to give it a focus again. All alone, it seems that Solomon Islands government remained unconvinced of the need…

Sogavare’s Moti

Dear Editor – I have been monitoring the internet edition of your daily newspaper over the past month chiefly for the purpose of identifying prospective defendants to both civil and criminal proceedings in defamation which I intend to institute to test your legal system’s capacity to discipline the exercise of constitutionally-protected rights of one person’s…

Lets support the tourism industry

TOURISM is a growing industry. As more people are traveling and trying to discover something simple, special and unique its important that Solomon Islands must take advantage of the opportunity. This is because we have a lot to offer when it comes to cultures, natural beauties and history. Solomon Islands is rich in terms of…

The election

Dear Editor – It still seems a long way off, hopefully we will have a Government in place by the end of the year. With the electronic voting, how will the computers be secured against theft, tampering with and deliberate or unintentional damage? Will there be some form of off-site back or at least some…

Watchdog on Moti

Dear Editor – The Moti saga the NCRA regime decide to settle out of court which don’t go down well with the Opposition, who facilitated the mess when he was the PM then and was remote controlled by Aussie to have Mr Moti deported in 2007 should not poke his nose this time on the…

Reserved seats

Dear Editor – Milner Tozaka’s strong support for the inclusion of 10 females in the parliament cannot be left unchallenged as it is contrary to what is currently prescribed in our constitution. First ending violence against women cannot be used as the chip for getting free seats for women in parliament. It is a lame…

Police uniform

Dear Editor – Will there be an investigation into the Police uniforms?   If there is will there be any charges laid?   What about all the other scandals involving SIG money ranging from unaccounted RCDF’s to missing funds from Commissions of Enquires. All no charges, why?   I think it is called “Looking after…