Tribute to late Dr John Roughan

Dr John Roughan, School Board Member for the past 6 years passed away on 24th October, 2013. Funeral mass was held yesterday at Holy Cross Cathedral, Honiara, Solomon Islands. This was followed by burial at Tanagai. He was a man with a great insight into the lives of people. He worked constantly to bring out…

Passing of a great leader

WE join the nation to mourn the sudden passing of Dr John Roughan. Dr Roughan died yesterday after he collapsed while attending the annual general meeting of Development Exchange Service (DSE) in Honiara. Originally from New York, United States of America, Dr Roughan arrived in the Solomon Islands in October 1956 as a Marist priest.…

True champion of villages

I WISH to join my colleague Dr Transform Aqorau (SST5315), or he has happily beaten me first, in paying my sincerest tribute to a great leader I respect most. His passing away was a shock to me when I was told of the news after work Thursday night. I was lost for words as my…

Tomorrow is a girl

WHEN girls are not assured the same opportunities as boys, whether one speaks of the level of ones’ education or which profession one would like to pursue, we as families, villages, societies and nations are short-changing ourselves. For when girls suffer such realities, economies deprive themselves of half their potential professionals — scientists, innovators, socio-economic…

Why I re-applied for the top police job

A response to discriminatory and defamatory statements against me I am a great believer in free speech and a free press but there are limitations imposed by the law of defamation as to what can be written and said. The law has generally been codified as ‘Defamation’ but some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between…

Why I sacked Leni

THIS is my response to a number of articles you published over the past few days on matters regarding the Solomon Islands Ports Authority (SIPA. Let me first confirm that in exercise of the powers conferred upon us, the Minister of Infrastructure Development and the Minister of Finance, by Regulation 14 (1) of the State-owned…

Helping the Pacific fight against climate change

Ahead of the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting next week in Majuro, Marshall Islands, Fiji-based European Commissioner for Climate Action, CONNIE HEDEGAARD, writes about her reason for attending the Forum. THE Pacific region is on the front line of climate change. Its low-lying islands risk being swamped by rising sea levels and their inhabitants forced…