Take heed of weather information

The cyclone season is now up on us. And so we can expect more rain, strong wind and rough seas. The weather office has issued warnings to the public especially those traveling by boat in open waters and those living by the river banks. Currently a tropical cyclone is affecting Tonga. Its impact is slowly…

Into Melanesian minefield

Foreign Ministers of the Melanesian Spearhead Group are set to tip-toe through a diplomatic minefield with news that a MSG delegation – led by Fiji’s Ratu Inoke Kubuabola – will make its long-awaited visit to the Indonesian province of West Papua this week. The mission is fraught with potential difficulty and will require all the…

What’s next for Papua after the MSG diplomacy?

The 2013 Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) summit undoubtedly marked a historic moment on the long journey of Papua’s international diplomacy. During the top diplomatic gathering of the Melanesian countries, the Papuan representatives were invited for the first time. While this political decision constitutes a breakthrough for the political impasse in Jakarta, the decision is still pending…

Let’s build on what RAMSI gives

THE Governor General during his New Year’s message reminded us of the vulnerability state institutions are in. The Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has resuscitated our failed state back to its feet. The description of ‘fail state’ came about as a result of dysfunctional institutions within the machinery of the National Government.…

Let’s avoid last year’s failures

WE know too well some of the drama that happened last year. One of the issues that affected everyone including children, youths, parents and families was the teachers’ industrial strike action. That particular impasse greatly affected school children. A good portion of the academic year was useless. It can’t be wrong, some students who deserve…

An important year for our nation

NEW Year’s greetings and welcome back to our readers and advertisers! This is our first issue for this year after the two-day break we had on Wednesday and yesterday. 2013 has indeed gone down the memory lane. We are now into the third day of 2014. Like the future, we all don’t know what this…

Sort out teachers’ traveling allowances

Frustration, confusion and disappointment are some of the things going through most of the teachers residing in the urban centres especially in Honiara. This is because most of them have yet to receive their traveling allowances or if they did the amount is just unbearable because its just insufficient. Some of the teachers in Honiara…

Ill-fated MV Francis-Gerena saga

Over the last few days the public, news media and the social network had produced, published and broadcasted so much fabricated information and news about the episode surrounding the recently ill-fated MV Francis-Gerena. While we do appreciate public and press freedom, we must also be mindful of the wilful damage such unfounded fabricated information could…