Ship tragedy offers a big lesson

WE know everyone is excited about heading out to their villages at this time to spend Christmas with loved ones. But please don’t overload our ships. The sinking of MV Francis Gerena eight miles off Anuha island in the Central Province yesterday offered us a big lesson. The vessel, on its way to the northern…

Mandela leaves one lesson for us

WHAT lesson can we draw from Nelson Mandela’s leadership? That’s the question many Solomon Islanders were asking yesterday when they learned of the passing of Mr Mandela, the former South African president. Mr Mandela, a man who needs no introduction, died quietly in the presence of family members in his Johannesburg home in South Africa.…

A balanced response on health services

In yesterday’s editorial piece (‘Is Number 9 Melanesia’s Worst Hospital?’, Solstar 2/12), the author made some very good and challenging points about NRH and provincial health services, highlighting areas of concern of which the Government is no doubt aware and seeking to address. Arguments of this nature rightly challenge responsible authorities to improve performance and…

What is RDP?

THE Solomon Islands Rural Development Program (RDP) is the largest project that the World Bank supports in Solomon Islands. With new funding support from the Australian Government announced Tuesday, the project investment will exceed US$37 million. The Program is implemented by the national government through the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (MDPAC) and…

Good work done but much remain

I am encouraged to read that the new Special Coordinator to the Regional Assistance Mission (RAMSI) has said she will continue to work with the RSIPF in support of the SIG-RAMSI five year development plan announced comparatively recently. I acknowledge the excellent work undertaken by RAMSI since 2003 in re-training and developing the capacity of…

What’s up in the Flag

You’ve seen the five stars embedded on the nation flag. But did you know what they mean? That’s the question local tour guides struggled with when they’re asked by tourists. The issue came into light during a workshop facilitated by Destination Solomon’s and Travel Solomon’s last week at the Rock Haven conference room in Honiara.…

Kwaio man launches new book at ANU

AT an exceptional occasion Tuesday this week at the Australian National University’s (ANU) University House, coinciding with the Solomon Islands Transition Workshop, a little known Esau Kekeubata of the interior of East Kwaio was given an uncommon honor to launch Dr David Akin’s book: Colonialism, Maasina Rule, and the Origins of Malaitan Kastom. Dr Akin…