A plea for a changing world

Dear Editor – Now is the time for all committed individual humans to come to the aid of their country, and that is, planet earth, because, earth, is essentially, one country but during eons of our evolution we became sidetracked, lost, like sheep in our mental wilderness, of a flat-earth with, diverse looking, multiple societies, neither…

Pacific reacts to war in Ukraine

Even though the war in Ukraine is half a world away, its effects are felt in the Pacific The Federated States of Micronesia acted swiftly, in cutting off diplomatic relations with Russia, in response to “an unjustified and brutal assault” on Ukraine. The Secretary-General of the Pacific Islands Forum has also issued a statement condemning…


Transparency Solomon Islands calls on the Executive Government to deal with the alleged unwanted and unprofessional behaviour and conduct of the Papua New Guinea Police Contingent in country at the request of our government following the protest and the rioting, lotting, that followed.  Whilst Transparency Solomon Islands appreciates and commends the government of Papua New…