Buyer beware! Buying land is probably the biggest transaction most people are ever likely to make during their lifetimes. As such, it is vital that you do your homework beforehand, also known as “due diligence” to be sure of what you are buying.  When buying registered land, it is important to be sure of who…

The HCC Saga and Police

Dear Editor – As was always said, “The man who asks a question is fool for a minute. The man who does not ask is fool for life.” Also it is said, “Learn avidly, and question it repeatedly. Analyse it carefully. Then put what you have learned into practice intelligently.”  Given my above introductory statements,…

Youths and education

Dear Editor – Please allow me a space to share my experience and comments on issues affecting our youths today. The government of Solomon Islands should see and be aware that almost every year the country sees more students leaving school due to lack of space in the high school. This is especially at forms…


IF someone should ask you where this beloved country of ours is headed, what would you say? Put it another way, do you believe our system of governance – from the three pillars of government, the Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary – is still intact? Or do you see signs of ‘wear and tear”…

Protect our young children

PARENTS must take all precautionary measures to protect your children from diarrhoea. This is in light of the rising number of diarrhoea cases being reported over the past weeks. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) through its surveillance system last week issued an alert notice. So far six young children have died from…