Well done Biosecurity

Dear Editor – Well done team, there are a lot more out there I hear in Honiara and the provinces. Now, how about some team including Biosecurity jumping on the Asian stores selling non-English food products.  When I challenged them, they said it was ‘OK’ because they had put a sign up “For Asian people…

Good sleep

Dear Editor – Getting less than seven hours of sleep can worsen diabetes type 2 symptoms Chanel Georgina writing the UK Daily Express today warns of getting too little sleep worsening symptoms for sufferers of diabetes type 2. Having read the piece my thoughts turned to the people in the Solomon Islands who might have diabetes…

Solution to stopping kwaso

Dear Editor – Theres a need to find a lasting solution to the brewing, sale and consumption of illicit ‘kwaso.” In the Solomon Islands the many problems arising from homebrew, or referred to locally as “kwaso”, are common and known to have persisted for many years without the illegal trade being stamped out. I have…

Young rape victims must be protected

THERE is a growing perception that rape cases amongst young girls in our communities are on the rise. This perception appears to be true, judging by the number of cases being brought before the court in recent times and a number of reports released by police.  There are no figures to support one way or…


POLICE COMMISSIONER Mostyn Mangau dropped a real bombshell this week. More than $300, 000 entrusted to police have disappeared. The information was known to the police hierarchy since September last year. In October, a month later, when the box with a combination lock was finally opened, not a trace of the money was left. The…

Crime trend

Dear Editor – A comprehensive review of crime trends and statistics awaited in the RSIPF’s Annual Report for 2020. Prior to the release of the RSIP’s annual report for 2020, Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau in one of his recent press conferences told journalists that disturbances and disorderly behavior topped the local crime statistics for last…

Central Province hailed for clean audit

TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) commends and acknowledged the Central Provincial Government for the Clean audit report it achieved for the period of 2019 and 2020 financial year.  This is a huge achievement and TSI applauds the Central Provincial Government. This should be an eye-opener for this nation, not only at the Provincial level but at…

Wantok system

Dear Editor – This letter serves as my thought for all those struggling in the Solomon Islands amidst challenging times. My heart goes out t to all those whose hope hangs by a thread for the many young people who remain unemployed and without money, and to all those women and girls we have been…

Telling stories through short films

Dear Editor – In past years I was always interested to read of the work and success of the Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) which some years ago was managed by the late Dr. John Roughan.  The SIDT visited many rural communities throughout the Solomon Islands and through play-acting and counseling services illustrated correct behavior…