SOLOMON ISLANDS ranked 44 out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) survey announced last week. CPI uses a scale of 0 to 100 to rank nations, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. Last week, the wise men and women of Solomon Islands congregated to discuss a solution. The…

Fataleka Housing Scheme 

Dear Editor – It was reported that the Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani has thanked the Fataleka Housing Scheme for responding positively to a request for a clinic staff house in Ward 5 in West Fataleka, Malaita Province.  It was reported that Member of Parliament (MP) for Fataleka Rex Ramofafia has donated building materials, which…

Amazing Lilo

Dear Editor – Grateful if space is allowed to convey the above-said matter to “Amazing Lilo” (Former Hon. GD Lilo). You are a newcomer to the constituency of Central Honiara. Yet in most or every ward in Central Honiara, you have a number. Being new and have that number is amazing. It shows you have…

The people have spoken 

Dear Editor– Saturday 21st marked the end of 2020 by-election for Central Honiara and North East Guadalcanal. It marked the end of a period that culminated in two months of intense campaigning. In the heated battles, parties clung to strategies they calculated would woo the important component in the election process — the voters. However,…

Banning Facebook

Dear Editor – The Government’s determination to ban Facebook in the Solomon Islands is rather bemusing. On the one hand, it is true that a ban will not curb our people’s fundamental freedom of expression as provided for in our Constitution. But on the other hand a ban may unnecessarily cause hardship to many of…

Truthful reporting on SI

Dear Editor – The decision by Solomon Islands’ Cabinet to ban Facebook is said to be legally wrong and I expect the decision to be challenged. The argument made by the prime minister and his communications minister is that it has been a platform for people to ‘abuse political leaders.’ I have some sympathy for…


Supposed to be the face Understandably that’s the ace Much more better than the rest Over and over the globe She comes from America Europe Africa and the rest   It is all the thrill and the feel Associated with her beauty and face That all men sleeps less and less   The children and…

Congratulations to Babanisi

Dear Editor – My hearty congratulations to Edwin Babanisi on qualifying for a law degree. The Solomon Islands has created history by producing a first-ever visually impaired (blind) person to have graduated with a Bachelor of Law in the South Pacific. Edwin Babanisi from Shortlands in Western Province and Makira recently graduated from the University…