Govt’s move to ban Facebook

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) strongly objects the Cabinet’s decision regarding the temporary ban on Facebook. Banning Facebook is not the solution to the issues given in support of the Executive Government’s decision to ban Facebook.  For when you lift the ban the abusive languages against the Ministers, Prime Minister, character assassination, defamation of character, etc.…

Publishing of ESP recipients curtail corruption 

Transparency Solomon Islands (TSI) acknowledges on day one that at times like this Covid-19 pandemic, emergency powers are needed pointing out at the same time that these must have a clear deadline and limited scope.  Furthermore, based on experiences of the ethnic tension days the Executive Government was reminded about the indispensable importance of protecting…

Cuban medical graduates

Dear Editor – On the front page of Solomon Star Issue No.7638 (Mon 28th Sept 2020) the Prime Minister reportedly spoke warmly about the more than 80 of our students who have so far graduated from Cuban medical schools. As a least developed country, we need to have good doctors working in our hospitals and…

Our students in Philippines

I spent some of yesterday (Wednesday) with the families of the students stuck in Philippines.Their stories are heart-breaking and it was very distressing seeing the pain in the faces of the families.  I then came home and read on Facebook the well written statement by Mr Doug Marau who Mr Douglas Marau who is the…

Democracy, SOE and oligarchy

In Search of Responsive, Responsible, Transparent and Accountable Leadership – COVID 19 Misuse and Abuse of Entrusted Power under SOE SINCE 2014 Transparency Solomon Islands has been campaigning as others have done for leaders that will say no to corruption, be transparent and accountable for the powers [entrusted power] vested upon them by the people…

How Strong Democratic Values Help Defeat a Pandemic   

If ever the world needed a reminder of the critical importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is it.  The coronavirus knows nothing of national boundaries, race, religion, nationality, or politics.  We are at risk simply because we are human. But we can – and we will – defeat this virus using the strengths that respect for human…